Different Menu for Different Pages
Select page specific menus.
By default, WordPress menus are set up to shows up on every page, where menu location is present. For instance, your main navigation menu is same across all pages. But what if you wanted to replace that menu on one specific page to highlight its content? Menu Replacement plugin does just that and allows you to replace WordPress navigation menus per post, per page, or per tag/category archive basis. The per post, page, category or tag setting overrides whatever menu you have set up on your default menu location.
Works on custom taxonomies like categories or tags.
You can also replace navigation menus on categories and tags, as well as any custom taxonomies you have on your website. For example, you can change your secondary menu on specific category and match the menu with category-specific content. It also works on custom taxonomies from popular plugins. Like WooCommerce, where you can replace menus for specific shop categories and tags.