Widget Conditional Logic for WordPress.
Show or hide widgets on specific pages.
For example, if you wanted the Search widget to only appear on category archives and error pages, choose “Show” from the first dropdown and then add two rules: “Page is Front Page” and “Page is Posts Page”. Conditional filters: Page, Post type, Category, Tag, Date, User, Author, Role, WooCommerce and bbPress. Plugin doesn’t add any lag to page loading as it changes widget conditional logic before the page is even loaded.
Control widget logic on WooCommerce pages.
Best Widget Logic alternative.
Not only can you show or hide widgets on default WordPress templates, you can also control visibility of widgets for WooCommerce pages. This is option gives your full control over your shop filters and shop specific content. For example, if you want to display product categories only in your shop sidebar, you can now do this with relative ease. At the moment, plugin supports both WooCommerce and bbPress plugins.