WordPress Company Theme
Ideal for business or organization.
Not only is mobile traffic growing each year, but the pace is accelerating. So, better be ready and embrace your customers browsing habits. Instead of sizing down desktop-developed site, our approach is to focus on mobile devices first and scale up the design. Your company should be ready for the new mobile revolution and Company theme gives you the best platform for your online presence. Your users will easily navigate through your website and their mobile experience will blow them away.
Off canvas navigation
Off-canvas menu is positioned outside of the viewport and slides in when mobile screen size is detected. Setting up an off-canvas menu is super easy. Simply add widgets to Off canvas widget area and that is it.
Large header backgrounds
You can add large background images for any page on your website. This way, your content will become compelling to read and browsing through your website will become a very pleasant reading experience. Just make sure you upload image large enough to nicely cover the header space.